About Ankur (ASB)
Ankur Shiv Bhandari
“I enable capability development by harnessing Intent and Relevance”
Ankur is dedicated to building the capability of individuals and organisations by developing and harnessing Intent & Relevance with a special focus on Capability development through “Shopper Based Value Creation” and resulting Commercial Excellence.
Ankur’s dedication is brought to life through two concepts that are the brainchild of ASB which are “Route to Shopper®” and “Intentonomics”.
ASB started his career at the grassroots level in India and over the past more than two decades, while mostly based out of the United Kingdom, has worked in and supported organisations at all levels of the hierarchy in every commercially active continent in the world.
During his experience spanning more than 50 countries, Ankur has been an employee and an advisor to global organisations such as Procter & Gamble, Castrol, Samsung, ICI Paints (AkzoNobel), LG, Unilever, Accenture, WPP, Panasonic, Philips, Kellogg’s/Kellanova, Coca-Cola, Hemas, Maliban, Dabur, GSK, Mattel, Abbott etc. Ankur is the founder of The Asbiverse Group (www.asbiversegroup.com) which focuses on delivering Excellence with Intent.
Ankur also dedicates a big portion of his time to public and community service and he is the first-ever Asian-origin Councillor to have been elected to Bracknell Forest Borough Council and also the first person of Indian-origin to be elected Mayor of the Borough in United Kingdom.
During his experience, Ankur has focused on the development of “Right Intent” in individuals and organisations to achieve their goals. It has been achieved through Ankur’s involvement in various challenges towards enabling and developing capability across Leadership, Sales, Shopper (Customer/Trade) Marketing, Technology adoption, Analytics & Public service.