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Nurturing a Business and our Children is very Similar!

We started our business Asbicon few days after our daughter was born in 2009. We celebrate her birthday and just a few days later Asbicon‘s birthday. Since she was young she would always accompany me to the office during her time off from school. It was day before yesterday when she again accompanied me to […]

Passion in Sales- What are the boundaries?

For the past many years, there is a daily ritual I have. Watching a movie or a series episode everyday. I devote 1 to 2 hours almost daily towards this and feels quite therapeutic, relaxing and interestingly enough provides me with some good insights. After all, the cinematographic worlds many times are a reflection of […]

You can’t do it- That’s Wonderful!

You can’t do it- That’s Wonderful! I came across a nice LinkedIn post from an individual this morning where he listed down an array of demotivators thrown at him when he moved to Canada a year ago such as “You will not find a job in your field”, “You will not be able to have […]